Tips For Boosting Creativity: For Artists And Hand Letterers

Tips for Boosting Creativity: for artists and hand letterers

In an age where everything is going digital, there’s something delightful about a piece of typography that’s hand-crafted. Maybe it’s because we know how much effort it takes to create complex letters. Or maybe it’s because we crave something authentic in our art and design. Either way, we’ve put together the following guide on how to improve your own handwriting. Here are 7 tips that we think will help you on your way to becoming a master letter writer.

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Keep an art idea journal

Keep a spiral notebook with you at all times to jot down ideas, sketches, and references for later use. It’s like keeping an art diary, and it’s for your eyes only, so you can record everything.

The authors call this a “swipe file”. This doesn’t mean you plagiarize the things you find—that would be highly unethical and unrealistic to boot! But whether we admit it or not, we are all influenced by what surrounds us and what came before.

This is the point of this journal. Find things that inspire you, and save them to inspire you later. You never know what will come in handy down the road. This will save you time rediscovering things you’ve already worked through, and give you a source of creative ideas for times when the well seems dry.

Create an idea treasure chest

Collect images from magazines, quotes, postcards, etc. It can be anything that triggers future work. Store them in a way that makes them easy to access.

It’s an amazing experience to open up your treasure trove of ideas and rediscover things that once excited or inspired you. You may not have been ready for them when you found them and put them in the box, but you may be ready for one or more ideas now.

I love the feeling of walking into my treasure chest—it’s like opening a gift from a dear friend who really “gets” you and what your art is all about.

When you have real things you can handle in your treasure box, it’s a lot easier than trying to memorize ideas or start from scratch. You’ll remember thoughts you had before, and remember why you chose objects or see new connections you missed before.

Tips For Boosting Creativity: For Artists And Hand Letterers

Pay attention to your energy level.

When you’re fresher, take on the most important art projects or art marketing jobs that demand your highest creativity. Save the more mundane jobs for when your creative tank is low.

Sometimes you need to take a complete break from art to spark new ideas. Don’t try to force creativity. Just be fine with silence. Often times this is a great incubation period and ideas will emerge later. The tank will refill.

Artists have different times of the day and hours in which they can produce quality creations. Since your rhythms and respect them. When the “inner bell” rings, it’s time to move on to something else where your energy is fresh.

Break your art projects into smaller pieces.

Always break big, overwhelming projects into smaller bits. It’s usually easier to maintain your enthusiasm when you’re working on small pieces rather than the whole.

I love the slow beginnings and graceful endings of creating art pieces, but often I find that I need to limit the in-between to short breaks in the studio. (It reminds me of long childhood car rides when we would ask, usually every 15 minutes, “Are we there yet?!?”)

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by expecting too much output in a particular work session. If you tackle big projects in small bits over time, you’ll enjoy work better and experience a more consistent sense of satisfaction.

Skip (or edit) art projects that are boring.

Find the kernel of enthusiasm that prompted you to start the project, and rework it into something new. Find the smallest piece of interest or quality in what you’ve created, and start another piece of art with those aspects instead.

If it doesn’t work, it can be free to just throw away the piece. If you can do this, you know you are learning to correct your work and release attachments to things that are holding you back.

Do something other than art for a while.

Distract yourself temporarily, and see if some time allows you to regain your enthusiasm for the project. If you can’t get motivated, put the project off for a longer period of time, or just move on.

I came back in pieces years later and was able to complete them with what I had learned during that time.

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Adjust the results you are aiming for.

Maybe you’ve created something that isn’t quite right. Or it’s not the final version of what you want to submit. Think of it as a practice piece and take the pressure off of it being the final version.

Since this is just practice, consider what would happen if you tried to screw it up. Even if you don’t actually do this with the piece, you’ll come up with interesting ideas that don’t come when you value the piece of art.

Find other artists and teachers to work with.

Loneliness can make common problems seem bigger than they are, or make you feel like you’re dealing with these troubling problems.

But the truth is, every other artist goes through the same thing and can empathize with your situation, or even help you work through it. So connect with others in similar situations and learn from them.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that everything ebbs and flows. . . Even creativity. And while we’d love to just let our creativity flow out of us, whenever we want, sometimes we just need a few “tricks up our sleeve” to get out of a slump and get back into the flow. .

Hopefully, a few of the techniques above have already resonated with you, but if not, I encourage you to try one or two. More creativity is always a plus, wherever you get it.


Simple Method for helping Imagination #1: Turn off.

The web is astonishing. A straightforward mouse snap can ship you to anyplace on the planet. Perhaps you’ve never been to Paris, in actuality, however you’ve visited the Eiffel Pinnacle from your work space multiple times. Google Guides is cool like that.

Be that as it may, did you hear the violin player as you walked around Champion de Mars? Were your tastebuds pleased as you chomped into a rich aggravation au Chocolat? Did cherishing arms fold over your shoulder as you stood gazing at the glimmering tower on a warm summer evening? Is it true that you are getting my meaning?

The web offers quick fixes. Encounters that leave us needing more and never genuinely fulfilled. At times everything thing we can manage is to turn off from everything.

Strip yourself away from the ceaseless stream of unblemished homes and white-washed level lays; they’ll be there when you get back, I guarantee. All things considered, invest some energy appreciating the excellence of something substantial. Something that can offer in return. Feel its weight in your grasp. Shut your eyes and inhale it in. Touch off your faculties!

Simple Method for helping Imagination #2: CLEAN YOUR Work area OR Workspace.

What’s more, now that you’ve turned off, what number of us imaginative sorts are at real fault for living and working in coordinated turmoil? Certainly, we know the significant paper we really want for Monday’s gathering is in that bushel. It’s covered under a month of take-out receipts. Also, the expense archive is in the “significant papers heap”, otherwise known as papers we do not know how to manage. Goodness, wouldn’t fret the inclining pinnacle of record organizers. In the event that it’s in a record, that implies it’s coordinated, correct? Hah!

As a matter of fact, a jumbled space is a consistent indication of all the incomplete business. Also, incomplete business is unpleasant. What’s more, stress is an innovativeness executioner.

You’ll rest better when there’s not a heap of dishes in the sink. Your brain can loosen up realizing there isn’t incomplete work standing by tomorrow first thing. Furthermore, you’ll make better when you tell the truth work area every day.

Try not to close the entryway on a heap of complicated papers, irregular receipts and unlabeled envelopes for one more day. In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea where to begin, a basic rule is this: a spot for everything and all things where they ought to be. At the point when you find a hierarchical framework that works for you, the inventive energies are ensured to stream better.

Simple Method for helping Imagination #3: GET Going!

One of my number one methods for supporting innovativeness — and for my purposes, the quickest — is to go for a fast stroll! In the event that you can’t get to venturing, then, at that point, do some speedy extending in your seat. Or on the other hand, have a small scale dance party in your work space. Hell, stand up and afterward put down in your seat for 10 reps. Anything it takes to get the blood siphoning.

Something really doesn’t add up about taking my eyes off the screen and getting my body rolling that gets my smartest thoughts streaming. Furthermore, when you head out, regardless of whether it’s just for five minutes, always remember your telephone. Why? Since the following way to boost imagination is.

Simple Method for helping Imagination #4: Get EVERYTHING On paper!

No one can tell when really smart will strike. So become accustomed to conveying a diary or telephone where you can write them down before you neglect. The Notes Application on an iPhone functions admirably for this. In any case, in the event that you’re like me-your most imaginative thoughts appear to come while you’re in a hurry. You’re strolling or you’re driving when out of nowhere you’ve brainstormed the entire first passage for a blog entry. What’s more, when this occurs, I suggest utilizing a Voice Recording Application on your cell phone. iPhones have one implicit.

Remember to keep an ordinary diary on top of this. In some cases you want to investigate a subject over the long haul and top to bottom the manner in which just genuine journaling can. Smart thoughts expand on each other, so the additional time you spend investigating a point on paper, the nearer you get to your most prominent imaginative revelation yet.

Simple Method for helping Imagination #5: Quit Looking at.

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You’ve heard the colloquialism Examination is the criminal of euphoria. Be that as it may, have you heard Examination is the criminal of imagination? In the event that your most memorable impulse after starting another undertaking is to perceive how every other person is making it happen, well.. STOP. RIGHT.

Don’t even think about composing anything into Google? Eliminate the compulsion to mirror what another person is doing. Log out of Instagram. Switch off your iPhone. Be available with yourself and your own innovativeness.

Ask yourself profoundly, purposeful inquiries concerning your new venture. What do you expect to accomplish? Who will this advantage? What devices do you want? What amount of time will it require? And so forth. After you’ve pondered these inquiries, don’t quickly open Google or Instagram for research purposes, by the same token. Get a pen and paper. Make a diagram. Think of some more until you have an all out plan. Assume control over your imagination!

Simple Method for supporting Innovativeness #6: DO In a real sense ANYTHING More.

On the off chance that you’ve been attempting to tackle an issue yet haven’t gained any headway in hours or even days, it’s likely opportunity to enjoy some time off. Note: this doesn’t mean calling it quits. You might be excessively near the circumstance to see the issue, and in the event that you can’t see the issue, you surely won’t see an answer. It’s OK on the off chance that you want to require an entire (little while weeks) break. In any case, in the event that you have no chance to lose…

A twenty-minute break may be all you really want to get your imaginative furrow back. Throughout your break, don’t permit yourself to consider the issue by any means. Do the dishes. Call a companion. Attempt a contemplation application. You’ll get back to the task invigorated, re-enlivened, and ready to check out at things from an entirely different viewpoint.

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Supportive Tips To Release Your Innovativeness

01. Anything You Make, Make For Yourself In any case!

Whenever you end up battling with ‘how to be imaginative,’ prevent seeing your work according to others’ viewpoint. You must be your #1 fan first! Do anything that you need to do regardless of whether others like it.

This training liberates you from the longing of satisfying your clients, crowd or every other person who will see your work. For example, assuming you’re making ornamental letters and text styles, make it for yourself first. You will frame something novel to you, which can be imparted to your crowd a short time later. Overlook the critical voices that say your work of art isn’t perfect.

You really want not be correct when you start off an innovative task. Mainly, you appear and do the things that make a difference to you. For each imaginative piece, you have had seen; there are various inquiries and premature moves. You can trust your work in the event that you shift your emphasis altogether on your work and making it happen and further developing it with time. If necessary, practice however much you can as a little practice never harms yet improves you.

Accept your most memorable imaginative work as an examination. Try not to allow others’ viewpoint to burden you. Give yourself artistic liberty.

02. Go ahead and Take Help From Others

A large number of the specialists struggle with requesting help. Whether it is hand lettering, typography or any visual computerization project, we as a whole get overpowered at time. However, we frequently wonder whether or not to connect with others for help. What’s more, as we become older, we neglect to request help or rest on others.

We can’t be a handyman! We don’t know it all, and we ought to acknowledge this unpleasant truth. There are hand lettering craftsmen, creators, and individuals who know undeniably more than us about numerous things; and on the off chance that you ask, they’ll wouldn’t fret helping you out. Along these lines, feel free to search out help.

03. Ditch The Scientific Part and Spotlight On What You See

You’re innovative! That is fine, yet how to be more innovative? Getting stuck to the “how” part is quite possibly of the most well-known peculiarity. Here is a thought — get a pencil, some paper, and require out only a short ways from your bustling timetable. Begin drawing or making typefaces on the paper.

03. Ditch The Scientific Part and Spotlight On What You See

You’re inventive! That is fine, yet how to be more inventive? Getting stuck to the “how” part is quite possibly of the most widely recognized peculiarity. Here is a thought — get a pencil, some paper, and require out only a short ways from your bustling timetable. Begin drawing or making typefaces on the paper.However, rather than zeroing in on the thing you are making, center around the development of your hand. Try not to get your pencil for around five minutes; continue to draw.

Despite the fact that it’s difficult or you feel being minimal senseless, it assists you with sprucing up. Try not to zero in on the outcomes; simply take the path of least resistance. Recollect Henry David Thoreau’s statement – not what you see matters, it’s what you see.

04. Have Persistence And Keep Up The thing You’re Doing

Practice makes a man great. Unexpected phenomenon is a fantasy; don’t anticipate it in reality. Regardless of whether you’re a hand lettering craftsman, continue to make an appearance to how you help no less than two years. Your innovative work will begin yielding outcomes after that period. Also, in the event that you get results before it, BRAVO! That is a reward!

05. Appreciate What You Do

To wrap things up, partake during the time spent lettering or making things that you take delights in. Turn down the commotion around you and obviously, set a hushing limit for the clamors inside your head with the goal that you could zero in on making and that’s it. Regardless of whether, you need to sell your craft of typography on a stage, imagination is pursued. Along these lines, carrying your psyche to peace is compulsory.

Disregard loves, downloads, and sees as well as email recruits. Make a typeface or anything for making and that’s it. You will be compensated a while later; that is certain!

How To Market Yourself as a Lettering Artist

Might it be said that you are battling with showcasing?

You need to grow a crowd of people and accomplish something else with your imaginative abilities, yet you are don’t know how and where to begin?

Showcasing is much of the time something overwhelming for some creatives.

Throughout the last ten years, we’ve watched the hand lettering space detonate concerning fame.

So it’s no big surprise that many are asking themselves, ‘is it excessively occupied for anybody to see me?’ or ‘is it beyond any good time to get everything rolling?’.

I’m here to let you know that there is as yet a lot of chance to leap forward.

As a matter of fact, maybe there’s more an open door than any other time in recent memory, you simply have to arm yourself with the right showcasing devices.

That is precisely exact thing I need to acquire you this article.

I work with huge number of creatives every month to assist them with making sense of their advertising.

That been said, here, I will discuss the accompanying things –

  • Normal ” showcasing procedure” novice botches
  • Niching – what is it, and how to track down your own specialty
  • Separation – stand apart from the commotion in a novel manner
  • Your message is a higher priority than your ability
  • Dissemination – fostering a reliable methodology
  • Building a genuine business – likes won’t take care of the bills!

I will give a noteworthy stages to each segment, so along these lines, you can promptly try the information!

With no further ado, how about we get everything rolling!

1. Normal ” showcasing procedure” novice botches

The normal ‘showcasing methodology’ many utilizes looks something like this:

  • Post an irregular grouping of work.
  • Draw in a group of people of individual creatives/peers, as opposed to expected clients.
  • Do this for quite a while, gradually fabricating a following.
  • Attempt to accomplish a tremendous following (however frequently miss the mark regarding this, and have a bad outlook on yourself).
  • Trust clients come to you (they regularly don’t).
  • Sound recognizable?

It makes sense to me, showcasing can be unnerving.

Furthermore, there’s a lot of deception drifting around that can make it difficult to know where to designate your time best.

Indeed, the lettering space is more soaked than any other time in recent memory, yet that likewise exhibits an impressive interest in this style of work.

More letterers than any time in recent memory are cutting out a full or parttime living making every moment count.

Having worked with large numbers of them, I can distinguish some center promoting rules that truly work.

2. Niching – What is it, and how to track down your own specialty.

No, it’s anything but a grimy word, and nor will it inventively restrict you, whenever done well.

Niching can be your dearest companion.

In reality as we know it where the vast majority of lettering specialists are posting an irregular grouping of work, with practically no consistency, niching can assist with centering you like a laser.

We should take a gander at several the key ways you can specialty:

1. Industry/Subject   

Centering your hand lettering around a center subject can assist with drawing locally of people who share that interest with you.

These points can be wide or tight.

I see fabulous lettering around subjects, for example,

  • Book of scriptures quotes
  • Plays on words
  • Impolite jokes
  • Being a mother
  • Being a millennial
  • Current issues
  • Inspiration
  • Theory
  • The potential outcomes truly are unfathomable.

2. Way of Lettering

This can be a similarly compelling way to a specialty.

At the point when I consider remarkable lettering craftsmen, I consider James Lewis with his awesome hand-painted 3D signage motivated lettering.

I consider Becca Clason with her eminently imaginative food lettering, frequently finished to liveliness.

A few more extensive expressive specialties incorporate simple versus computerized (commonly iPad).

Or then again brush script versus gothic. Watercolor versus ink.

So what makes an extraordinary specialty?

Preferably, you need an under-served specialty, yet has an elevated degree of interest.

For instance – brush lettering of inspirational statements.

It appears as though a BILLION records are posting that stuff.

So it makes sense that it’ll be quite challenging to hang out in that over-immersed specialty.

Nonetheless, for something like ‘computerized lettering of book of scriptures sections,’ there’s a seriously gigantic market of strict society who appreciate wonderful lettering, yet fundamentally less individuals serving them (contrasted with the inspirational stuff).

Look at the video beneath where I make sense of how you can join your inclinations with your plans.

Consider niching along these lines:

There’s a room of 1000 individuals.

800 of those individuals are into popular music.

200 are into down home music.

1000 artists abruptly go into the room.

990 of them are pop artists.

10 are nation artists.

For each rural performer, 20 individuals might want to hear their music.

For each pop artist, there’s under 1.

3. Separation – How to stand apart from the commotion

Niching is one approach to separating you from the group.

Separation is immense.

In the event that you do how every other person is doing your hand lettering, you become basically undetectable.

However this is what so many lettering craftsmen wind up doing.

They see the Stefan Kunz’s, Jessica Hisches, Ian Barnards, and Lauren Hom’s and accept that to acquire reputation and achievement, they ought to do the kinds of lettering that those individuals are doing.

The difficulty is, crowds of others have a similar thought, so in practically no time, you’re lost in an ocean of carbon copies.

With the rush of notoriety around hand lettering, sticking out and being various has never been so significant.

With regards to this point, your creative mind and innovativeness is as far as possible.

I challenge you to take a gander at what every other person is doing and ask yourself, ‘how might I flip this and go another way?’.

I was as of late asked by a hand-letterer on Twitter, ‘how would I stick out?’.

I told her vast ways!

Make goliath lettering from items and fly a robot upwards up high to uncover your decision of phrasing!

I ensure relatively few individuals are doing that.

Obviously, you don’t have to go that limit, yet understand that sitting on an iPad and producing a few nonexclusive expressions/certifications will hurt you as opposed to help you with regards to getting your work taken note!

Here are a few speedy thoughts:
  • Lettering from objects pertinent to the expression/word
  • Quicken your lettering in fascinating/extraordinary ways
  • Show a novel story that makes sense of the motivation behind each piece (show this utilizing picture or video inside your substance)
  • Consider a ‘schtick’ (a one of a kind point to your lettering). Lauren Hom had ‘lettering for lunch’ where she got free snacks from eateries for doing their sheets. This got a lot of PR! What’s an interest of yours that you could consolidate with lettering for a remarkable twist on things?
  • In the event that you’re doing simple lettering, consider extraordinary ways of obliterating or ‘farewell’ your lettering in the wake of finishing it (envision a Viking burial service).
  • Lettering a journal through an extreme or important point in your life (sharing weakness, win, battle, and so on… )
  • Draw on uncommon surfaces (ice, sand, mud, and so forth… )
  • Lettering open letters to persuasive individuals around themes you feel energetically about.

4. Your message matters more than your ability

Quite possibly of the most widely recognized botch I see lettering craftsmen making is that they will unendingly zero in on working on their gifts, yet they disregard their message.

Try not to misunderstand me; assuming your lettering smells in fact, you’ll probably battle to track down foothold.

Be that as it may, there are a huge amount of skilled letterers out there, the majority of whom are battling to stick out.

Whether you’re an artist, a hand-letterer, or actually any sort of imaginative, you Must have A comment on the off chance that you believe individuals should focus.

Regardless of whether you’re in fact really capable, on the off chance that your informing is tasteless as heck, it won’t get on a lot.

I see this constantly; there are lettering craftsmen with sacks of ability simply not being seen, in light of the fact that their message is exhausting.

On the other side, I see fair lettering craftsmen, however not a big deal, who are doing outstandingly well since they’ve nailed their specialty and informing.

When you are reliably putting out gorgeous lettering around a topic/message that profoundly resounds with your target group in a very thrilling manner.

5. Dissemination – fostering a reliable procedure

Now that you’ve ideally nailed down your specialty, got an incredible target group, and you’re investing out energy that is more interesting and less conventional, you really want to ponder dispersion.

Showcasing isn’t an instance of ‘fabricate it, and they will come.’

This isn’t a divine location.

You really want to figure out how to get your work before Different crowds, ideally bigger crowds.

This is totally key to developing your fan-base.

Here are a noteworthy ways of expanding your dissemination:

  • Joint efforts (cross-fertilize crowds with another innovative by teaming up on a piece together. At the point when you both advance it, crowd individuals from the two sides will find the other lettering craftsman).
  • Challenges (Homwork, 30 Days of Book of scriptures Lettering – these sorts of difficulties are fabulous as you can acquire openness through the related hashtag to get more eyeballs on your work. In the event that it’s ideal for your picked specialty, track down the right test for you, and reach out!).
  • Engage locally via virtual entertainment (I’m an enormous devotee to the balanced work that goes with building a genuine local area. Go beyond your usual range of familiarity, get away from the air pocket of your own little local area, and get yourself out there. Interface with other lettering craftsmen. Remark on their work. Interface with ideal/planned clients of your work. Be vocal, be amiable, be seen all over the place. Over the long run the sheer perceivability of these activities will get individuals returning to your profile. Assuming your work is exceptional, quality, centered, and important to them, they will follow you).
  • Produce shareable work (Truly, the most ideal way to get your work shared by others isn’t asking them, submitting to groups, or any such thing. It’s delivering work that is so great individuals need to share it. Keep in mind, quite a bit of this boils down to the nature of the message and zeroing in on a target group. On the off chance that your message and work hit genuinely profound, individuals will have considerably more of motivation to share it. They need to make their own devotees/companions chuckle, cry, feel something. That profound reverberation is where shareability comes from.)

6. Building a real business – likes don’t take care of the bills!

Assuming you have yearnings of lettering full time or getting compensated for your enthusiasm, then, at that point, you should try to understand that a following doesn’t mean you have a business.

Consider cautiously about how you need to adapt your abilities.

You can do this in more ways than one, however for hand letterers a few extraordinary choices include:

  • Selling prints of your lettering
  • Delivering instructive materials (courses, digital books, worksheets for other lettering craftsmen)
  • Client work
  • Selling actual items that incorporate your lettering (attire, merchandise, and so on… )

Deals will come a lot simpler if you’ve:

  • Taken care of business of characterizing your specialty/crowd
  • Attempted to make convincing, exceptional work that reverberates profoundly with that crowd
  • Dealing with your dissemination to lay out a sound estimated crowd
  • In any case, understand that you needn’t bother with a monstrous crowd to bring in cash from your range of abilities.

Try not to stand by to develop a group of people and afterward attempt to adapt it.

It’s smarter to foster a business (adaptation) system and afterward work alongside it.

One of my local area individuals, Emma, as of late finished 30 days of Book of scriptures lettering.

She had several her local area express interest in prints, so she involved this as approval to proceed to coordinate a bunch of prints for the 30 plans she had made.

In the wake of coordinating a send off for these, she surpassed her objective of selling 10 duplicates and sold more than 50, producing more than $1700 in income in only multi week!

This was all accomplished with an Instagram following of 5600 individuals and a pamphlet of only 100 individuals.

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